After some careful consideration, I think it’s safe to make the following statement: I’m a germaphobe. And I think I have an increasingly severe condition. I can’t help it. Especially when I travel, I am constantly washing my hands, dousing them with Purell or using anti-bacterial wipes to wipe down everything from my seatbelt on the plane to the remote control in my hotel room. (Incidentally, remote controls are rumoured to be one of the dirtiest items in a hotel room, along with the drinking glasses you often find in the bathroom. Yuck!) Anyhow, the result of all this compulsive hand washing is that my hands are left dry and raw. Sometimes they actually hurt because of the frequency with which I wash them. I try to carry hand lotion with me at all times but even so, it doesn’t always do the trick. The solution? I’ve finally found it! Crabtree & Evelyn’s 60-Second Fix Manicure Set for Hands is incredible! Literally, in 60 seconds, my hands felt soft (honestly, like velvet!), soothed and restored. First, you exfoliate gently, then moisturize your hands with the lotion. The intensive shea butter and seaweed formula must be just the right combination because the results are wonderful, especially if you suffer from chronically dry hands like me. Available in a mini size, perfect for meeting airline regulations regarding liquids. Try it. You’ll like it.


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