I don’t know about you but I’m an unhappy girl without my sunglasses. On sunny days and cloudy days alike, I’m always digging through my bag trying to find them. Read more…
retail therapy
This blog is all about travel and since I’ve been home lately, I haven’t had a lot to blog about. But sitting here on a chilly October evening, I’m thinking how nice it would be to pack a suitcase, take to the skies and leave all my cares behind. In my mind, I’ve already packed […] Read more…
beach bag essentials
I hate complaining about the weather but sometimes, you just have to. It’s the first week of July and it was c-c-cold outside today. Which leaves me with no other choice but to dream about warm weather destinations. So, in my mind, I’m packing my bags and heading to the beach! Here are my beach […] Read more…